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Horizon D'Ainay was terrible on chase debut. He was slow at the majority of his fences, and when he tried to make up ground from the rear of the field he was quickly off the bridle and showed a lack of gears. Hawthorn Cottage was a good winner, and there was always a strong chance she was going to do what she did.
Chepstow 12:52
Backing a horse who has no wins next to his name is a bit off putting, and I can see why some people will be afraid to back him due to that, but I am prepared to give FAUSTINOVICK a chance.
A couple of seasons ago I got the impression this horse was going to be a mid 130 rated horse, perhaps pushing the low 140s as he always travelled brilliantly throughout his races, but failed to deliver when it mattered, which is shown by 5x runner-up to his name plus 3x thirds. However, now being fully trained by Joe Tizzard, there is a chance that he does bounce back to form off a very low and enticing handicap mark of 107.
Considering he has finished 2nd off a mark of 125 it goes to show the type of falloff he has had during the last 12 months or so, but during that period it has to be said that the Colin Tizzard yard wasn't exactly firing on all cylinders, so you can probably forgive the horse and give him at least one more try off a reduced handicap mark.
In a race of this nature where you have a couple of horses who are in form and look progressive, it's not a bad idea to go for the best handicapped horse in the race, even if the recent form hasn't gone to plan. Faustinovick has had a long summer break, so should have been able to recoup and get himself ready for this new season where connections will be hoping to cash in on his low mark. I think the jockey booking of Harry Kimber states they fancy their chances as this is a Conditionals Jockey race and to secure one of the better ones in the scene is eye-catching. Harry is operating at a 26% SR from 60 rides this season, which goes hand-in-hand with Joe Tizzard's recent good form.
Musselburgh 1:07
I doubt you'll be able to get good odds on RICKETY GATE, but if he is around 6/4 or so then I rate that could be classed as value.
You will struggle to find a better jumps yard in as good form as Nicky Richards in the last 14 days. He is going great guns at the moment shown by his 34% SR from 5 wins from 12 runners. Whenever there is money around for his horses they tend to run well, so it seems that connections know when they are going to have a good chance.
Rickety Gate won nicely last time around on seasonal reappearance. He has gone up a few lbs for that win, which should mean he is able to win again over this longer trip which looks sure to suit based on that last win. The jockey seems good value for his 8lb claim, and when you take off the 8lbs, the horse is effectively running off 9st 8lbs, which is a ridiculously low weight on a jumps horse. If he runs anywhere near the level of form of last time, he should be near impossible to beat.
15:37 – Musselburgh – nick lost 8/1
Risky son of a bitch hopefully keeps my African killer bee pants off for a bit longer !
14:07 Musselburgh – tell him listen 9/2
14:52 Chepstow – calico 11/4
15:22 Chepstow – pixie loc 17/2
Terrible in USA last night after a great day in the Uk and win in Oz!?
Keep it small stakes accumulators with ‘The Breeders Cup’ at weekend.
Yankee is now a Trixie with Cash Nr due to Nottingham being abandoned.
Rizzles 2 and Knowsley Road in the 2/1
GL all today
Wd rizzel 9/4 I got
Nice double rizz cheers ?
Nice one Rizzle …Mon the 3rd leg!!
Great tipping Rizz
Great calls mate ??
wild shot 4.07
doyen for money 4.25 well done all winners today and yesterday
king of Tonga 7.00 ew
1900 Kempton
Apollo One would’ve been a nice Ew shot to nothing this morning. It placed for me at Royal Ascot, as did First Folio who has gained some wins since going a similar route. It was the Rohaan race with Popmaster and Jumby, a decent looking contest form wise. A slight drop in grade without assessing rivals means I will chance 1pt on it outright around 3/1.
Well done riZzle keep it up And we all mAy have a good Christmas after nothing to brag about my end couple of seconds ! Must try harder ! Hahahaha
davi de gavi 6.30 ew
7:00 kempton – tyger bay 12/1 e/w
3rd, and profit dazzman.
Now go buy the lady in your life something nice, like some bees??????
The bees popped my last girl friend ! I had to stick a puncture repair kit on her and blow her back up again ! HA.
Lucky last.
The 8-00 donkfest at kempton.
Shin saw gyi 16-1 bet365 ew extra 7 places.
The legendary 13 years old pettochside goes in this, he has won once here back in 2013, I had hair then ffs ?.
He has only ran once in his long career over 7 furlongs so it looks beyond the old thing today.
13 years old and still running is a great feat.
Any of you oldies out there might remember a jump horse trained by the great Fred winter called sonny somers who won 2 chases in 1980 aged 18 ?
You bitch elvis that was going to be my lucky last pick ! Haha . Hopefully we can share the glory ! But if it loses I’ll let you take that one on the chin !
Single s and a double
Finger Lakes -R6…Fire King 11/10 Skybet boost
Mountaineer -R7 Carlie Q Blue. 10/11
Double with Bet365 near 3/1.
GL and well done the winners today
? ?
Hopefully Mountaineer pick can land but I’ll be in my cold cold grainy then!
It’s 6/4 Paddy Power?