
YOU might have noticed Ellis has launched a fun bid to turn £10 into a £10,000. It's not a new idea and it involves backing a short-priced selection then putting the winnings on the next tip and so on and so on.

Reaching £10,000 could take a while but it can be done. It requires patience and bottle because as your pot grows your stake gets bigger – but you of course can withdraw at any time.

Ellis launched with £10 on Neil Robertson in a snooker match this morning and got lucky as the Aussie ace won 5-4. So that's £12.50 in the bank and here's his second tip.

I'm having a go for a laugh and start with France Under-20s v Ghana (4pm) with my tenner on at 4-6 with


Tennis ATP Hertogenbosch Stanislas Wawrinka v G Garcia-Lopez (1.30pm)

Wawrinka is on top form at the minute, doing well on the clay court at the French Open and I expect him to win his first grass title this week in Hertenbosch. He rips through the ball incredibly well and should be full of confidence against a considerably lower-ranked player in Garcia-Lopez. Lopez has played well this tournament but I can't see him troubling Wawrinka.

Bet 2: £12.50 on Wawrinka (2-7)

Resident football tipster at Scotland's most read newspaper, the Daily Record, for over 20 years and proud host of one the best betting communities on the web with daily betting tips.

  1. Avatar of The Dane
    The Dane 12 years ago

    I’m with you ellis …

    Odds: 1,28
    Stake: €8.75

    The Dane.

  2. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    good luck everyone, lets keep the train rolling

  3. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    Mr F, shall I put the tip on here every night for you to turn into a thread

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Ellis, I’m not going to create a new thread every day so comment on the latest one.

  4. Avatar of Stephen
    Stephen 12 years ago

    Ellis I no it’s short notice bt I’m thinking abt a lump on Higgins & Stevens matches ovr 6.5, any thoughts?

  5. Avatar of ellis
    ellis 12 years ago

    Stephen I like the idea but Higgins is like a train at the minute and he could demolish his opponent

    • Avatar of jasper
      jasper 12 years ago

      keep the train rolling ?
      it will have ran out of fuel by the time it reaches a grand.

  6. Avatar of Stephen
    Stephen 12 years ago

    I backed out Ellis, I lost out on carter yest & had robbo -1.5 2day so wanted u make it bk bt I just left it

  7. Avatar of ellis
    ellis 12 years ago

    Wise, I think Higgins w1ll win 5-0 5-1

  8. Avatar of JP
    JP 12 years ago

    Im in as well ellis. just started with tenner on wawrinka as missed the first bet fingers crossed.

  9. Avatar of Craig alves
    Craig alves 12 years ago

    ellis you stealing the spain trains patter :) I’m not in as had a few shots at it and find I’ve no got the patience but have stated which bookie you’re doing tge challenge with so everyone can get the same odds/markets

  10. Avatar of ellis
    ellis 12 years ago

    Stans the man. A break up

  11. Avatar of ellis
    ellis 12 years ago

    Betvictor I said

  12. Avatar of 1plus2
    1plus2 12 years ago

    Warinka looking 2 good today 5-1 up serving for set

  13. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    1plus2. I take it you did it

  14. Avatar of 1plus2
    1plus2 12 years ago

    No m8 i left it alone

  15. Avatar of Ruby
    Ruby 12 years ago

    First two looking good ellis. Nearly there!:p What’s the score in the Wawrinka game?

  16. Avatar of JP
    JP 12 years ago

    i think the top is meant to £10 to £1000 rather than £10,000 isnt it!

  17. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    1-6 to wawrinka

    1plus2 you not doing the challenge then

    • Avatar of 1plus2
      1plus2 12 years ago

      No m8 did these before and do not have the patience for it but i am right behind u rooting you all on 2 out of 2 looks a deffo so good luck with the rest of your picks.

  18. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    Wawrinka now a break up second set

  19. Avatar of Ruby
    Ruby 12 years ago

    Looking good Ellis. Around these prices would ‘just’ take around 30 bets. 20 to get to a grand. First one was a close one with Robertson.

    Some of the over football bets that are highlighted on here have went really well. Usually over 1.5ht and 3.5ft for selected games by the likes of bp, greg, sly etc. Playing it safe and going over 1.5 ft for example on these games might be quite a safe short price option for the purpose of this bet.

  20. Avatar of kev
    kev 12 years ago

    He said already he wants to do it on other sports. I.e. not footy! Lol… 2 outta 2 so far ellis… whats next? That it for the day?

  21. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    I like to put the, I’m advance so you have chance to see them. Up to you lot really was going to leave it

  22. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    Mr F

    Bet 2 Stanislas Wawrinka to win 2/7 WIN

    Pot : £16.07

  23. Avatar of Ruby
    Ruby 12 years ago

    Can’t see anywhere where Ellis said he wouldn’t be betting on football. He said he was going to look for the best bet each day at a short price ie between 1/3 and 1/14 and take peoples advise on tips. Could be any sport imo, whatever is selected as the best bet.

  24. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    I do prefer to stay away from sports picking a winner with three outcomes, however, I will consider goals. Not sure whether we are best to do a bet a day

  25. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    Might be it today if anything stands out will let you know in advance

  26. Avatar of Madi
    Madi 12 years ago

    Think you should leave it for today and go again tomorrow. Look for two nice bets for tomorrow

  27. Avatar of Ruby
    Ruby 12 years ago

    Up to you ellis. Only bet on games that you really fancy, whether there is two or three matches one day and none the next so be it.

    Going to have a go myself and bet on football games where I think there will be lots of goals. The usual type of games identified on here. Just over 0.5 ft goals is usually 1/20 so a double would be the 1/10.

  28. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    Yeah like I say. I fancy Robertson again tomorrow but may not do it. We will see. If u see any let me know

  29. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    To confirm the pot is now £16.07

  30. Avatar of The Dane
    The Dane 12 years ago

    Would be a huge help if you had an idea at the start of the day how many bets during the day ;-)

    The Dane.

  31. Avatar of ellis
    ellis 12 years ago

    Well it was going to be one but if something pops up ill tell you

  32. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    However, open to suggestions if people want a bet 3

  33. Avatar of JP
    JP 12 years ago

    im up for bet 3. any ideas? France Under-20s v Ghana haS JUST STARTED

  34. Avatar of Ruby
    Ruby 12 years ago

    France u20 or draw double chance is 2/9..

    As I see France u20 to win at 4/6 was Mr F’s pick.

  35. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    Too late sorry picking boys up from golf what’s Spain or draw?

  36. Avatar of JP
    JP 12 years ago

    i think thats a good one to have.

  37. Avatar of Ruby
    Ruby 12 years ago

    probably safer bets than that anyway for bet 3, will have a look

  38. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    probably safer bets than that anyway for bet 3, will have a look

  39. Avatar of Ruby
    Ruby 12 years ago

    Spain or draw is 1/12, dnb 1/9. Don’t see any stand out bets for the rest of today. Maybe someone else will though. Will look out for your bet 3!

    Got my over 0.5 goals double up for today to give me a massive £11. Putting it on over 0.5 goals double in the confed cup semis tomorrow at 1/10.

  40. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    At the end of the day it was going to be a bet a day. We shall see what arises

  41. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    Sounds random, but look at the stats of the Polish volleyball team to commence at 7. Don’t think I will go with it but take a look

  42. Avatar of Ruby
    Ruby 12 years ago

    Yeah, probs just better to be patient and stick to bets you really fancy. Atleast 1 bet a day would be good.

  43. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    Bet 3 – men’s volleyball – France vs Poland (£16.07)

    Poland to win 2/7

    Final bet of the day. Not bothered how random it is done some good research into it. This is an important world league game and Poland are fourth in the world rankings. They play a considerably weaker French side who do mt win many games and this is the last bet of the day

    Dodgy one but good luck


  44. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    I wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t a good bet I want this as much as you do

  45. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    France only have 57 ranking points compared to polands 237

  46. Avatar of Ruby
    Ruby 12 years ago

    Don’t have a clue about volleyball but will go with it! time’s it on at?

  47. Avatar of kev
    kev 12 years ago

    7 ruby

  48. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    7 then that’s it. Just want to try and build the pot up. On analysis it’s a good bet

  49. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    I expected some stick haha

  50. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    They also won the world league last year

  51. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    Mr F,,

    Good bet on France. Got some catching to do already haha ;) ;)

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Ellis, took their time scoring but should be fine now.

  52. Avatar of The Dane
    The Dane 12 years ago

    Good work so far ellis :-)

    My bet:

    Odds: 1,28
    Stake: €7.35

    The Dane.

  53. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    Haha all good 1/5 at other places so be careful I use betvictor

  54. Avatar of Denzildhinio
    Denzildhinio 12 years ago

    I’m in on bet 3 Ellis. Got odds @ 1/5 tho as iv only just looked at this thread. How dare my work get in the way of Ellis’s £10 – £10,00 challenge!

  55. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    Haha not as sure on this one can’t argue with for, though

  56. Avatar of Dazz
    Dazz 12 years ago

    Got it 4/11 with paddypower.
    If this comes in,over double money on the first day,
    Let’s hope the pot keeps on growing..

  57. Avatar of ellis
    ellis 12 years ago

    France came out the blocks pretty neck and neck though

  58. Avatar of ellis
    ellis 12 years ago

    Anyone watching. Poland just keep equalising can’t edge a lead

  59. Avatar of ellis
    ellis 12 years ago

    France been edging ahead all set may be 1-0 down

  60. Avatar of Dazz
    Dazz 12 years ago

    It’s looking like this volleyball game is going the same way as the first snooker bet,let’s just hope the outcome is the same.fingers crossed lads.

  61. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    I’m not worried yet mate. Set down but two points up. Odds still say we have the edge

  62. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    Dazz, Poland look good this set

  63. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    Bit worried that set how they were 9 up and gave away 6 on the trot

  64. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    We are in for an interesting hour 1-1….

  65. Avatar of Dazz
    Dazz 12 years ago

    I think so Ellis ,lets hope the poles can get a good head start.

  66. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    To be fair first set could have gone either way

  67. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    Mr F, I thought you were doing your own one? Will u not be doing a thread so people can follow both

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Ellis, re the £10 to £10,000 challenge I did put my tip which was France U-20s but I’m not doing a thread on it. What’s the latest with your volleyball pick?

  68. Avatar of Ellis
    Ellis 12 years ago

    Dazz, there’s the head start we want

  69. Avatar of ellis
    ellis 12 years ago

    Mr F, will a thread be up tonight

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Ellis, r u looking for a sports betting thread? If so will be up soon.

  70. Avatar of Madi
    Madi 12 years ago

    Volleyball betting lol madness

  71. Avatar of Madi
    Madi 12 years ago

    I am on it tho !

  72. Avatar of ellis
    ellis 12 years ago

    Poland are gonna mess this up

  73. Avatar of Madi
    Madi 12 years ago

    Should stick to maximum two bets a day, could get 50 bets up in 25 days that way. Tried to post that earlier but my comment kept vanishing

  74. Avatar of ellis
    ellis 12 years ago

    Sorry my bad. Got carried away

  75. Avatar of Madi
    Madi 12 years ago

    Sorry my bad. Got carried away

  76. Avatar of JP
    JP 12 years ago

    its fice sets, this aint looking good though, france have turned it on their heads

  77. Avatar of Madi
    Madi 12 years ago

    Game over then

  78. Avatar of JP
    JP 12 years ago

    its looking that way…….might be starting with a new tenner tomorrow. fingers still crossed

  79. Avatar of ellis
    ellis 12 years ago

    Right this is going to sound like an easy route out. Does anyone want to redo it using only approved sports by the people doing it with thoroughly ‘certain’ tips or is enough enough

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      ellis, do what you want. People can follow or not but there are only so many times you can restart. It really needs to get on a roll of 10 or 12 bets to get interesting.

  80. Avatar of Guido
    Guido 12 years ago

    Ellis/everyone else throwning money blindly at these 2/7 volleyball shots….christ, wiser up/use you the brains in your skulls..whether it comes in or not, it pathetic. Ellis, if you fancy tipster status, do something that the average joe that follows this site might see some value in…a chimpanzee could pick this stuff. At least if you pick a 6/4 shot in 2 horse race with reasonin and it loses you have some credibility, an 8/1 e/w shot in the nags with 10 runners on a 1.5 mile race in form and well in at the rates with the jockey claiming 5lbs eg is something worth considering eg. This is the danger that i mentioned the other night when you give someone freehand with their name on top of a thread people will throw their wieght and money behind it…sheep will blindly follow sheep…

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Guido, the challenge isn’t serious, it’s something to have a look if you want but don’t get too wound up about it.

    • Avatar of Guido
      Guido 12 years ago

      Paul, I aint getting wound up about it and certainly didn’t follow it. I’m trying to get people to show restrain/be sensible. Some folk wid gladly jump in a raging torrent of a river if you were convincing enough to tell them the changes of getting a salmon worth 50 quid would find its way into their boots!! As I said, reputationally, the site is in danger because people will follow names and tips that are put up on a pedestal without due credibility.

  81. Avatar of ellis
    ellis 12 years ago

    Sorry I thought its what people wanted a bit of fun :/ due you think I should go back to normal tipping?

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      ellis, carry on the challenge if you want, as I said it’s a bit of fun and no harm, but post your other tips as normal, You got two right today then lost the volleyball, is that right?

  82. Avatar of JP
    JP 12 years ago

    I still remain this is fun. maybe we should stick to two bets per day, and sensible bets that we know about. I will still carry on with this scheme

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      JP, I would do one bet a day. It’s not as easy as it looks though.

    • Avatar of JP
      JP 12 years ago

      I don’t three today, got trigger happy, and did not think about it, and lost!!! I agree one maybe two, with more thought.

  83. Avatar of ellis
    ellis 12 years ago

    Up to you lot if I get enough people who want to do it we should do it properly one a day and that’s it. See what people want

  84. Avatar of Striker
    Striker 12 years ago

    You should’ve kept it at 1’banker’ a say, you went chatting to many results and got impatient. One thing you need for this kind of betting is slow disciplined decisions.

  85. Avatar of Guido
    Guido 12 years ago

    Paul, id ask to get some credibility back on site, everyone apologise for their hot heads etc and restore Mr M*l*s*y where he should be..the site has lost a spark…the banter/opinions (sometimes over the top), craic, information, etc has suffered in my opinion but it usually blows over. Not knocking those that see themselves as being tipsters but maybe they aint ready/proved themselves yet. nobody can deny that Mr M*l*s*y brought credibility to this site and a lot of folk appreciated it.

    • Avatar of Hank
      Hank 12 years ago

      Guido, There’s been a lot of good tipping on this site and a lot of winners in particular over the last two nights, why latch onto a silly meaningless 10-10,000 challenge going wrong when there’s so much to success on other threads….

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Hank, you’re right. The challenge was a thing Ellis fancies doing and was no harm. I don’t get Guido’s comment at all.

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Guido, I think you’re talking rubbish and if you feel that way then find another site for your tips. The tips all week have been great, from myself and Bounty Hunter and others such as Greg and Sly who contribute freely and with no tipster tag to their name. I’ve just tipped eight of eight in the Confederations Cup plus a host of other bets including a Torres hat-trick. I’ve picked three out of four trebles and something like seven or eight out of 10 Super Singles and you question the site’s credibility. Are you a bookie because they’re the only ones complaining?

    • Avatar of Hank
      Hank 12 years ago

      Have to agree with Mr. Fixit there, almost laughable to question the sites credibility after all recent success of Mr F and several other regular posters.

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Hank, I appreciate your comment. I don’t want to get into a debate on this because it will get boring. All I’ll say is this site is free so people should take what’s there and not moan about what isn’t. To make it a perfect tipping site covering all sports and a huge variety of markets would require us to charge and we don’t want to go down that route. If we charged we’d have to guarantee a level of service and a level of returns. There are daily football tips here that have been doing well and that’s what the site is really about. In the football season it’s much busier and we’ll return to that sort of volume in August.

    • Avatar of MUZZA
      MUZZA 12 years ago

      MR F, I have been watching with interest your site for the past couple of weeks and biting my tongue and I am sorry to say I have to agree with GUIDO! You have some great input from the people you mentioned – yourself, Greg, The Chief, Sly, BP etc but you have really let your standards slip by allowing this joke of a bloke, a 20 stone waste of skin, ELLIS the dart have his own column, he could not tip a waitress!! My 7 year old daughter could come up with better ways of winning money than this bell end!!

      I know M from Stevo was a bit harsh and to the point with some of his comments and arguments but you have lost a good one there and I am not just saying that because he is my mate. Chris Guy got the Betfair chief cut and Paster booted off this site and everyone misses him. He was an asset to you and your site and I have won over a grand in the past 2 days with just a couple of his selective tips – (although I was going to follow your new joker with 50 x bets to make a grand and blows out after 3 bets)I thought I would swerve it!

      Keep up the good work with the good people for the good people MR F but swallow your pride and get rid of the joker and bring back the man who can help the masses…… AMEN

      MUZZA – Corby x

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Muzza, firstly I didn’t ask Milesey to go. Secondly, Ellis is a very small part of the site and kindly stepped up to the plate to do some sports betting. Finally, the site will live and die by my tips and I’ve doing pretty good this month.

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Muzza, firstly I didn’t ask Milesey to go. Secondly, Ellis is a very small part of the site and kindly stepped up to the plate to do some sports betting. Finally, the site will live and die by my tips and I’ve doing pretty good this month.

    • Avatar of Hank
      Hank 12 years ago

      A bit below the belt getting so personal and abusive towards the guy. Again the guy getting abused over a 10 to 10,000 meaningless bit of fun challenge. I didnt join in the challenge as Ive been clearing up with confederations cup and u20 world cup tips posted elsewhere on this site…

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Hank, OK guys I’m simply going to delete any more comments relating to Muzza, Milesey or Ellis’s challenge. For a few days people have stuck to putting up bets and stopped the mud slinging so let’s get back to that.

    • Avatar of Hank
      Hank 12 years ago

      Apologies Mr.F, just flabbergasted at how guys can have a go after so many winners…..No more comebacks from me. Columbia and Paraguay tomorrow? lol

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Hank, have already backed them! Colombia v Aussies and Paraguay v Mali in the Under-20 World Cup.

    • Avatar of Hank
      Hank 12 years ago

      As have I Mr.F, picked up Columbia at 4/7 earlier who should have more than enough to take care of the aussies. Paraguay should also do the business at 4/7, Mali apparently have one of the youngest squads at tournament.

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Hank, Colombia and Paraguay did well in qualifying and should be too strong. I’d imagine hosts Turkey will also take care of El Salavdor. Anyone know the strength of England’s squad?

    • Avatar of Hank
      Hank 12 years ago

      Mr F, 2 or 3 experienced players in England squad, Flanagan young Liverpool full back, Evertons centre mid Ross Barkley and Spurs forward Harry Kane who bagged a good few in championship last season with Millwall and Leicester I think. Should on paper have enough for Iraq but then how many times has that been said of England….

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Hank, I’ll have a closer look tomorrow but was put off by how poor the Under-21s were in Israel. The players you mention I recognise and probably won’t have a clue about the Iraqis.

    • Avatar of jasper
      jasper 12 years ago

      well said mr fixer.
      its been a long day.
      wont look at footy until tomorrow although rosenburg v stromsgodset looks a good game. home win ???

    • Avatar of Guido
      Guido 12 years ago

      Paul, Im not being being funny but I think most of us with a pulse have predicted the Conf cup results this last week.

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Guido, still has to be said. You may say that but the Racing Post for example tipped Brazil-Mexico as a draw and pretty sure they took Japan to either draw or beat Italy. I saw plenty people on Nigeria v Uruguay. I’m not saying it was particularly hard to get 8 out of 8 but still made a good profit on the games.

  86. Avatar of The Dane
    The Dane 12 years ago

    From a math point of view I have to side with Guido and that’s why I went in the other direction with my stakes which ment I only lost €2.40 instead of €10.00.

    From €10 to €10.000 are a fun thing and should be seen as such but as a value thing no. If you continued doing this using just one bookie with average odds you would lose around 5% of each €10 putting in.

    But keep up with some good picks for the rest of us to use :-)

    The Dane.

  87. Avatar of ellis
    ellis 12 years ago

    I’m going to start a new one next week

    One bet a day
    Safe bets which I am knowledgable about (these are the ones which came in)

  88. Avatar of ellis
    ellis 12 years ago

    Mr f starting Monday could we have a daily thread for it, only suitable informed decisions will be put

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      ellis, if it’s the challenge then comment on the latest thread. As I said I won’t be putting one up every day but will see how it plays out.

  89. Avatar of furryhermann
    furryhermann 12 years ago

    Keep going Ellis. Nothing wrong with a bit of fun! Who knows, it might work…

  90. Avatar of Boogabear
    Boogabear 12 years ago

    Ellis I think you should do the challenge. I was happy about joining in and I did the first 2. I was not comfortable with the third bet so I didn’t do it and I did Spain u20 to win instead which came in. Even if you found 2 bets a day, as long as you are confident enough with the bets. And no silly bets like your third today. But I am more than happy to keep going :)

    • Avatar of Guido
      Guido 12 years ago

      Boogabear, use your own initiaive, you can pick 2 a day like Ellis or anyone else, dont be a sheep. Whats value to you might not be value to the next man. Everyone likes a winner, of course, but if someone stakes 50p on EVs shot they aint gonna be rich, but maybe thats not their ambition – maybe they like the entertainment watching the horses/football etc on an afternoon to help pass the time and it gives them a sense of satisfaction? other will throw thousands on 1/5 shots. Set you own goals /what you wanna to do..if the tips you see aint gonna achieve whatever your goal might be dont do them, keep looking.

  91. Avatar of JP
    JP 12 years ago

    Agreed im up for it ellis, and Mr F keep up the good work. just more planning and more knowledgeable tips required.

  92. Avatar of Guido
    Guido 12 years ago

    having some kinda restraint is needed…folk badgered Ellis to make it 3 and he succumbed and picked out a random volleyball match…not being funny but nobody needs Ellis or anyone else to pick out 2/7 shots..they usually come in/thats what the odds suggest…but everyone knows the more selections the greater the risk..5 team accumulator of 50 bets to reach £10K…might as well make it £1M!! I know a fella that plays golf in our club and his mate that know absolutely F all about fitba and be first to tell you/no interest in it…but 7/8 years ago won £34K on a 14 team accumlator for a fiver each..theres a happy medium in there somewhere…if they picked the 14 teams that were most favoured going by odds on coupon i dare say 4or 5 widda let them down anyway/bookie be oota business..i guess ignorance is sometimes bliss!!

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Guido, no one has to follow Ellis blindly. I think he just got a little excited and impatient. This challenge done properly takes time. As I said I’d do a max of one a day. However, Ellis having a little bit of fun with a challenge doesn’t make the side lose credibility as you claimed. It’s mrfixitstips so my tips are what makes the side credible or not.

  93. Avatar of andy
    andy 12 years ago

    It was said earlier that 3 bets in the tenner would be gone,think its been proven correct ellis,that kinda betting on on multiple 1/4,1/6,1/7 shots does not work because it takes too many bets to get to anything worth having.Silliest thing ive ever seen on a thread on this site so don’t go coaxing people to throw any more of their hard earned on nonsense bets on obscure no value rubbish ellis.

  94. Avatar of Dazz
    Dazz 12 years ago

    I don’t know know much about the famous milsely that everyone talks about ,I joined the site a week before the guy left,don’t know what the tips were like before,but got to say Mr F,and quite a few other people on here have been terrific this week and have made quite a lot of money for the people who visit the site.
    For 5 days running this week I have gone into corals and taken there money,and god it feels good.also my Internet balances have gone up significantly,this week long may it continue.
    So count me in again,but maybe 1 possibly 2 tips a day maximum.
    P.s I lost my money in the first set of volleyball,just noticed,put set not
    So I was kippered anyway.

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 12 years ago

      Dazz, that’s good to hear and I know how you feel. Milesey did well for the site and I’ve never said anything else but he chose to go and we’ve moved on and are doing fine.

    • Avatar of jasper
      jasper 12 years ago

      if you are so knowledgable start your own site and leave a link here.

      the former racing yipster has gone because he was an arrogant braggart who became infatuated in his own so called greatness. and treated anyone who questioned his tips with verbal poo.
      best thing this site has done was sever his links with it.

      if people want racing tips, there are plenty of sites to look up, including our former tipster.

      the current tipster here is just one of many out there who offer their own insights into racing.

    • Avatar of Guido
      Guido 12 years ago

      Dont need to worry aboot me Jasper..I have done bud….nice priced trixie up today. :-)

    • Avatar of jasper
      jasper 12 years ago

      fixer man
      the mistake you have made is getting into a situation where you feel you have to defend this site, when you dont have to.
      this muzza has been trying to make you bite.
      ignore him, delete him, but dont give him the satisfaction of dragging yourself into a pointless debate.

  95. Avatar of jasper
    jasper 12 years ago

    did you waste your money on ellis’s bet as you call it.
    no i guess.
    you made your own choice, others made theirs.
    deal with it….

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