
“It's ………. Rebekah Vardy's Account”

With those four words (and 10 elipses), Coleen Rooney eviscerated fellow WAG Rebekah Vardy's fading reputation this week. She outed Leciester City's Jamie Vardy's other half as THE alleged leak to the press who had been feeding tittle-tattle about the Rooneys' private lives for the past few years.

Coleen played a blinder. Over five months she made up fake stories on her instagram account while secretly removing her followers one by one until just a single account remained. Thus confirming only one account could be running to the press with her fake news. And in the process earning herself hashtag of week, nay year; #WAGathaChristie.

Me? I didn't have to work quite so hard.

The Tip-Offs

On Friday I was contacted by someone I don't know, who asked if Alan Thomson, our resident racing tipster, was selling his tips on WhatsApp.

I've known Alan for years, worked alongside him for most of them, I doubt if his Nokia 3110 even has WhatsApp, never mind him charge up to £100 (yes, ONE HUNDRED POUNDS) a month for his tips. The alarm bells started ringing.

Just to confirm, I asked Thommo, who unsurprisingly denied any knowledge of it.

Then, out of the blue, a second person contacted me;

“Just wanted to know if you were aware your horse racing tips are being used in a whatsapp betting group work for word and they are charging £30 – now changing to £100 per month. When they were asked (Alan/Dean) and confronted they have said they own the website.

“They are also using there friend “Scottish Greg” for football tips who they say used to work with them at a newspaper for “inside tips” but funny how you have a Greg on your website also and I can view his tips for free without having to pay £30 for the Whatsapp group.”

Seems legit right? Erm… no.

It seemed fairly obvious someone has been taking tips from this site, not bothering to even change the names of Alan and Greg, passing them off as their own, and then charging people anything up to £100 per month to access them on a private WhatsApp Group.

What a fraud!!! (And as I've been advised by a lawyer, illegal)

I asked for screen shots and they duly arrived in my inbox. It appears that tips have been posted by DT Bets, also known as Dean Traynor. And someone has already sussed this chancer out.

A facebook page was set up in August 2018, exposing him as a “SCAMMER & A THIEF” –

Hats off to the two people who reached out to me yesterday in order to give everyone a heads up about this.

The Stolen Tips

Anyway, back to the WhatsApp group and one of the subscribers there, Simon, noticed tips on the group also appeared on MrFixitsTips. Well played Simon.

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The evidence was damning.

Check-out this post from the WhatsApp Group;


Which goes on and on, then ends with these tips;


Now compare the WhatsApp message with Thommos Tips from October 6th here. You'll see the content is word-for-word and tip-for-tip. A good lawyer (or even a bad one) will have a field day.

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I was sent several examples. This is theft of intellectual property.

And 10 out of 10 for brazenness for posting as “Alan” and calling the WhatsApp group “Alan's Horses”.

The Lies

When outed by Simon, Dean Traynor rushed to “Alan's” defence claiming “Alan owns the website with Paul”,

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I assume “Paul” is me. Alan doesn't own any part of this website.

Despite what “Alan” says;


This is fraudulent misrepresentation.

In fact, like other website owners, I pay Alan for his hard work, his years of experience and his knowledge, for the privilege of having his valued opinions and tips on our site. They are a key asset to our community here at MrFixitsTips. For someone to then steal his write-ups and tips and profit from them is just not on!

Like the real Alan Thomson, it's also worth confirming Greg Browning has NOTHING to do with these scammers, or any paid-for WhatsApp Group. Nor has he worked with Dean, nor for a newspaper.

The Money

This morning I was provided with a list of phone numbers of every subscriber on the WhatsApp Group. There are 74 of them including Dean Traynor and Alan Quinn.

That means 72 people are paying £30 per month to access tips that are available for free here at MrFixitsTips.

72 x £30 = £2,160 per month. Potentially £25,920 per year.

Quite sickening.

The Links

Follow the money they say, and so the trail led to Paypal, where as you can see from the screenshot below the same person, Dean Traynor, who takes subscriptions for BT Bets, also does so for Alan's Horses.


The Smoking Gun

It's clear the person behind the DTBets and Alan's Horses WhatsApp groups is someone close to this site, perhaps a member, perhaps a regular commenter?

I do of course, have access to the phone numbers of the Administrator of each group. The one associated with DTBets / Dean Traynor was particularly interesting.


I ran a search on our database for that phone number and to my surprise it returned a result. An exact match. AND it tied in with a certain Dean Traynor, who joined the site back in April 2016.

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It's ……… Shortee's account.

Resident football tipster at Scotland's most read newspaper, the Daily Record, for over 20 years and proud host of one the best betting communities on the web with daily betting tips.

  1. Avatar of Admin
    admin 5 years ago

    Prior to publishing this post Shortee was contacted to alert them that we had been sent evidence of the WhatsApp Groups and given the right to reply.

    He said;

    “Any football bets I do are my own and my own research.
    I own nor claim anything to do with your website.”

  2. Avatar of Austin
    ausie11 5 years ago

    Not the first time he’s been caught out charging people for tips either is it? Explains all the comments of people having a dig at him. Shocking

  3. Avatar of mark edley
    maccathered 5 years ago

    Should of listened to us a long time ago mr f,Hull had him weighed up.

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 5 years ago

      I did listen and admin put the question to him about DT Bets back then but he denied it and we had no proof.
      This is much more serious and the people paying for his, I mean our tips, should be really pissed off.

    • Avatar of mark edley
      maccathered 5 years ago

      Yeah they will be pissed off,his attitude towards people was shocking at times and made people out to be thick,he posted bets on here under dt bets so how can he deny it lol

    • Avatar of Sean Campbell
      sean567 5 years ago

      Yeah was there not a day he posted under a burner account as well ??? Then flat out denied it, despite it ending “your health is your wealth”

  4. Avatar of jimron12
    jimron12 5 years ago

    Finally he’s been outed he’s been at it for years the w*nker!!! Well done mr f hope he’s the only one!

  5. Avatar photo
    david-footystats 5 years ago

    Rat wee bastard :D

  6. Avatar of Paul Robinson
    hackett129 5 years ago

    Wow he actually gave good tips. But well done to the guys who sussed him out . I hope Paul takes legal action against him . NOW WHERES FACEBOOK PAGE ONLY £29.99 A MONTH LOL.

    • Avatar of craneguy
      craneguy 5 years ago

      hackett apologies but he didnt post good tips in fact many of them were not his, it was easy to tell which were his and which were copy and paste jobs from other sources the style of layout and the text and vocabulary used were easy to spot and I highlighted this many times also GL with your bets…………….

  7. Avatar of Adebayo Adewale
    walebliss 5 years ago

    Unbelievable, i use to play his tips here.

    • Avatar of Sean Campbell
      sean567 5 years ago

      His tips in the last year were fairly solid so there’s no harm in having followed them, but the chances are they weren’t his actual tips and ones he’d lifted from someone else.

  8. Avatar of ChrisBax
    ChrisBax 5 years ago

    Paul at al,

    You may find this interesting. Paypal actually PROHIBITS people using its service to sell gambing tips/advice etc, unless the seller has already received prior authorisation by Paypal (very rarely given, and if so only to highly legit and trusted companies)

    Before anyone panics, YOUR site here is clearly exempt – as you are providing a membership site and NOT selling tips.

    In contrast, Dean is clearly selling tips and “advice”. If you (or anyone else) were to contact Paypal and advise them of what Dean has been doing, it’s almost 100% certain Dean’s Paypal account would be immediately frozen – with little chance of it being reinstated. Equally, any potential future chargebacks would be made against Dean personally.

    To quote the relevant account terms and rules from:

    The relevant extract:

    “Gambling-related ventures –PayPal may also prohibit transactions for the following ventures related to gambling:

    • Gambling services, such as handicapping, or providing gambling tips or instructions……

    Merchants seeking approval to conduct gambling activities in accordance with this policy may send contact information and a brief summary of their business”

    Any questions, just shout :)

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 5 years ago

      Cheers, I’ll make admin aware of that.

  9. Avatar of Craig Alves
    Alves 5 years ago

    Sly bast@rd of a guy, must’ve made a killing stealing folks tips and passing them on

  10. Avatar of Craig Alves
    Alves 5 years ago

    His address is on the FB page, let’s aw get take aways and taxis sorted for tomorrow night ???

    • Avatar of craneguy
      craneguy 5 years ago

      guid idea craig gallus ha ha ha………………..

  11. Avatar of craneguy
    craneguy 5 years ago

    not trying to be smug in any way shape or form here but hull and I rumbled the wee rat months ago, hull backed off on commenting on him but I kept it up, getting shot down every time having posts deleted and being asked to leave him alone even after posting that I new people who knew him and what he was up to, even offered to email admin what I knew, post was deleted and asked to back off and no email from admin asking what evidence I had, the wee rat has driven me away from the forum recently (must of been on here and old forum 7 or 8 years now) as most regulars will know I dont post often now maybe 3 times a week whereas I was on every day before I just couldnt bear to read the guys posts knowing what I knew and seeing others following his poorly thought out “tips” then unknown posters appearing from nowhere praising him on his infrequent wins, at least he is gone now and we can get on with things again……….. WD to those involved in finding out the truth…………..

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 5 years ago

      You were spot on but this was something completely different and he’s fleeced a fair number of punters.

    • Avatar of Clive Hainon
      unknownlegend 5 years ago

      Yes Craneguy I remember you having a go quite a few times but I didn’t really know what it was all about. I used to follow his tips. Well done for seeing this earlier than most.

  12. Avatar of Sean Campbell
    sean567 5 years ago

    Wow. Very interesting indeed. Especially his comment.

  13. Avatar of vin04
    vin04 5 years ago

    Yep total con man, pulled wool over my eyes

  14. Avatar of sonnyboy
    sonnyboy 5 years ago

    Delighted to see that the penny has finally dropped. Bye bye Deano/Shortee. Well done to Hull for red flagging the Facebook page which was there for a very long time which showed that something was clearly amiss. Well done also to craneguy for repeatedly highlighting this scoundrel.

  15. Avatar of HullShaker
    HullShaker 5 years ago

    O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive.

    The thing about cheats and liars is they will always trip themselves up in the end – the truth will out.

    Well done Mr F and Admin.

  16. Avatar of andrzej
    andrzejstarba 5 years ago

    And all that stuff about his sick family members to get sympathy votes. What a pathetic little man

  17. Avatar of Rakesh Gupta
    gup9y 5 years ago

    I’m shocked it was Shortee. I always looked out for his tips on this site not that I condone what’s been done

  18. Avatar of Tony Bennett
    Tosh Bennett 5 years ago

    Scummy rat

  19. Avatar of Ak Ka
    ak92 5 years ago

    Well done everyone in outing this fraud mofo. Hope he doesnt just make a different username and continue on here. Hope he has read all these comments and feels the shame for ‘conning’ all those people.

    Also some sort of justice involving the CJS wouldn’t go amiss, deter other people from continuing or doing the same thing.

  20. Avatar of smoothsailor
    smoothsailor 5 years ago

    Health is your wealth and £30 a month is their wealth

  21. Avatar of Clinton Irvine
    cr87 5 years ago

    Shorty should become the new “mystic meg”

  22. Avatar of smoothsailor
    smoothsailor 5 years ago

    Shortee has advised lumping on San Marino to kick off either half against Scotland. Fair play. Not many people would have the balls to back San marino

  23. Avatar of Craig Alves
    Alves 5 years ago

    Tbh I’m a wee bit gutted a never thought of this, £25K a year for copy and pasting. Ad have to fire 4 hrs OT a wk to make that working plus ad get taxed on it. Want to see what other excuses he’s got now

  24. Avatar of El Gooner
    El Gooner 5 years ago

    Tbh I’m a wee bit gutted a never thought of this, £25K a year for copy and pasting. Ad have to fire 4 hrs OT a wk to make that working plus ad get taxed on it. Want to see what other excuses he’s got now

  25. Avatar of Gibbo74
    Gibbo74 5 years ago

    Wow im amazed at how quickly this escalated i counted Dean as a friend and even payed for him to fly over from belfast last December and put him up for the weekend, one thing i can tell you he likes a drink and it amazed me how he even pulled this off for so long i had a feeling a few months ago Alan was dean when he messaged from alans account but signed it Dean , speaking to other members we had the same feeling alan was dean , i was made admin and never once spoke or saw Alan , other members/ admin kept the group going while dean was on many benders or so called locked up for a weekend for being pulled by the police on a sunday for having a few thousand in cash on him, surely that’s not illegal?
    I was told by another Member where Alans tips where coming from so checked them out , so i outed him on the group and then he tells me Alan owned Mrfixit tips with Paul, what a conman im so happy hes been caught now hes closed down his groups but messaged other members saying hes starting a new group so Beware he will.use another name no doubt

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 5 years ago

      He’s bound to try that but hopefully the members he had will realise they can get the tips here for free.

    • Avatar of gumtali
      gumtali 5 years ago

      Just want to say a massive THANK YOU to Mr Fixit for sorting all this mess out after emailing him to confirm what Simon had confirmed in the group.

      You guys and your admin team have done a brilliant job in the way you have outed him on your page and it’s nice to know that there are genuine people in the world.

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 5 years ago

      As HullShaker said we’re an honest bunch and we believe in integrity. No one involved with this site will try to cheat or deceive anyone.
      Sorry about the DT Bets scam – I really hope they pay for it somehow.

  26. Avatar of Jakehamer1994
    Jakehamer1994 5 years ago


  27. Avatar of Gibbo74
    Gibbo74 5 years ago
    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 5 years ago

      Good job there – continues to deny everything though.
      The guy on earlier trying to defend is I;m sure shortee – he sees nothing wrong with someone stealing free tips and then selling them.

  28. Avatar of Spendwell
    Spendwell 5 years ago

    all that money he’s stolen you’d think he would have spent some money on his hair

  29. Avatar of Admin
    admin 5 years ago

    So, as expected, Shortee returned today, under the guise of jonesalec793.

    This is his comment, word for word , in which he incredibly tried to defend himself (DTBets). Please beware his new group; DT Footie.


    “Hi to all and this great forum

    I am so glad to have found you all but I would like a few things cleared up on this whole DT saga as im very confused as I was a member of his and I for one wasn’t scammed.
    I joined DT bets about 4 months ago through a friend referring me to it. £30 a month NON subscription and LEAVE at any time so I joined up.

    so I don’t clear my phone chat to often and always a good thing but I stayed 4 months and forgot to renew my last so therefore I was not allowed access (kicked)
    That was absolutely fine as I know if I paid again then I be re added. Where does the scamming come into effect – myself like many others sent him money at OUR OWN FREEWILL – He didn’t demand it, he didn’t take it, we hit the button ourselves. In the time there (football) he landed me many a bet and his corner before 10mins bets were fantastic and just a couple of weeks back he landed one in the group for £300 odd for £15 and everyone was thanking him. Now I myself had never even done a corner bet before meeting DT and many others where the same as we had to ask him how and where to find them and he helped us do that also – if anything I LEARNED more about gambling from him than I did in my 20 years doing WDW accas that never got close. Upon been sent the link to this website (assume nearly all his groups were forwarded it) I was more shocked at the claims of SIMON (GIBBO74) who I seen noted here as “outing him.” I spoke to a couple of members and they are annoyed that his group has been deleted not because of the money aspect but because we all got his bets every day before 12 and always with reasoning.

    Simon was an admin IN DT BETS and was tipping bets himself??? They called him bet builder bob and I done many of his bets also (some won some didn’t but no complaints) and simon was not paying DT any money so how does he be scammed? GIBBO74

    Also another member of DT BETS called calum burt who left the group to set up his own called CB bets and they rest joined him a lower monthly Fee (exact same as DTBETS). I have a link if need MR FIXIT

    A lot of the guys were thanking DT regular for his bets and accas and I doubt anyone at all was scammed as they could have left at any time. I for one agree with the comments from someone called maccathered (think how you spell) about paying for tips and if you cant do it yourself then its your loss but I stayed for 4 months and I learnt more in that 4 months than I will ever learn. Anyway I will just come here and get them for free like everyone else is doing and seems DTBETS has done MRFIXIT a favour by getting VIN04, GIBBO74 (simon gibbons) GUMATLI and JAKEHAMER1994 (all members and current of CB BETS also like myself) I was never in the horse group either as only joined football but I see mitchell1979 (must be BEN MITCHELL) saying he was scammed ? I seen BEN name more often than enough on the chat thanking the members and saying he was up £100s for the month… STRANGE

    Genuinely thought that CB and BOB where nice geezers but they done the exact same and tried to steal the limelight except they just charge £10. as for the GUMTALI geezer above hes the same guy who was with DT tipping also. LOL seems they covering their own tracks here.

    there are 100s if not 1000s doing it out there on Facebook.

    to be clear i LOST NO MONEY TO DT as did GIBBO74 or GUMTALI

    what does the £6.99 membership or £35 get me if I sign up mr fixit?


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