
THERE have been some offers to buy the site recently but none matched the valuation – until now.

We're delighted to announce mrfixitstips has been snapped up by well-known site user and entrepreneur Harpreet and from Thursday will be known Harpreet's tips. Boom boom let's shake the room!

The Midlands punter recently commented on the fact he was on holiday in Dubai but he was in fact putting the final stages of his seven-figure bid together with investor Sheikh Mohammed bin Foorallip.

Harpreet and the super-rich Sheikh have won hundreds of thousands of pounds on raaljaca's goals tips and if you follow our twitter feed you'll have seen proof of some of their big punts.

There won't be too many changes to the site but anyone who comments will need to use the word “boom” for their post to be approved and if you're boasting about a winning tip you'll have to say “boom, boom” or just “boooooooooooooooooooom”.

Speaking from his suite at the world-famous Burj Al Arab Hotel Harpreet said: “I feel like a booooooooooooooom. I love this site and to have the means to buy it is great. Shaka laka boom boom.

“I'm hoping the regulars will embrace some new ideas I have but the best thing about the site is the tips from so many good people on the football, racing and sports threads. We'll keep the contest but there will be no more £10 free bets.

“We'll be giving away holidays, cars, Louis Vuitton skateboards and even my favourite gift – washing machines. Some people have branded me a fool in the past but who's the fool now!”

Mr Fixit will continue to post tips until the end of the season and after that they'll be available exclusively every day in the Daily Record.

Harpreet added: “I won't be doing write-ups just tips. My tips are done on gut feeling and value for money and while not everyone will agree with them there will be more winners than losers. It's going to boom time on Harpreet's top tips – and I hope everyone enjoys the ride.”

Note: It's now after 12pm so we can confirm this is an April Fool. Thanks to everyone who commented.

Resident football tipster at Scotland's most read newspaper, the Daily Record, for over 20 years and proud host of one the best betting communities on the web with daily betting tips.

  1. Avatar of Wato
    Wato 10 years ago

    I wet myself until I realised what date it is haha fantastic though :)

  2. Avatar of Mr Fishman
    Mr Fishman 10 years ago


  3. Avatar of Jamie
    Jamie 10 years ago


  4. Avatar of Bertie
    Bertie 10 years ago

    Very good haha

  5. Avatar of Rico
    Rico 10 years ago

    Had me fooled looooool

  6. Avatar of Gaz
    Gaz 10 years ago

    Only for 10 seconds but well done

  7. Avatar of Alan
    Alan 10 years ago

    I nearly choked on My Stella. Brilliant!

  8. Avatar of joshua dickinson
    joshua dickinson 10 years ago

    Absolute legend, you got me there

  9. Avatar of sparkyg88
    sparkyg88 10 years ago

    Foorallip == April fool

  10. Avatar of Blink
    Blink 10 years ago

    Brilliant – top comedy.
    Even better than last years rib tickler about Adnan Januzaj getting a Scottish passport. Loving your work guys!

  11. Avatar of Big T
    Big T 10 years ago


  12. Avatar of PeteT
    PeteT 10 years ago

    @Blink – after last year I was wondering what Mr F had in store but this cracked me up. Great write up Mr F ;o)

  13. Avatar of Alves
    Alves 10 years ago

    That’s the best one yet hahahahahahahahagahahgabahabaghahhahhahaha

  14. Avatar of Alves
    Alves 10 years ago

    Honestly giggling away to masel like a wee lassie :)

  15. Avatar of darran
    darran 10 years ago

    Have to say I got it straight away when was said from Thursday

  16. Avatar of jazza bairn
    jazza bairn 10 years ago

    Ha ha I been on wine I was thinking it was true class class ha ha

  17. Avatar of mickmoose
    mickmoose 10 years ago

    On a serious note,,what’s happened with harpreet ? Was he caught out lying again ?

  18. Avatar of pspud
    pspud 10 years ago

    Nice one had me fooled

  19. Avatar of craneguy
    craneguy 10 years ago

    ‘kin gallus lol near p1shed masel laffin there galdo…………..

  20. Avatar of Dave Wiseman
    Dave Wiseman 10 years ago

    Enjoyed that, its his job to boom :-)

  21. Avatar of Jordan
    Jordan 10 years ago


  22. Avatar of Jordan
    Jordan 10 years ago

    Out of all the times I have given him stick, been suspended from the site, you go and do this! This is the biggest trolling I have ever seen hahahahaha

  23. Avatar of Duke
    Duke 10 years ago

    Well played their Mr F. Great stuff.

  24. Avatar of Andy G
    Andy G 10 years ago

    I Don’t ever post but follow this site for tips for about a year and this is hilarious!

  25. Avatar of Tattoogaz
    Tattoogaz 10 years ago

    My heart nearly went boooom!!… Quality mr F

  26. Avatar of HkiBuzz
    HkiBuzz 10 years ago

    Ah – very well done :)

  27. Avatar of Centrecircle
    Centrecircle 10 years ago

    Graet stuff…i can fool a booooooommmmmm

  28. Avatar of Eye on the prize
    Eye on the prize 10 years ago

    Lol started reading And realised what date it was !!!! Nice one guys

  29. Avatar of sonicphaze
    sonicphaze 10 years ago

    ARGAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you really had me then. i was about to remove from favourites tab ha ha

  30. Avatar of InterYerNan
    InterYerNan 10 years ago

    Hahahaha almost got me lmao

  31. Avatar of MattW
    MattW 10 years ago


  32. Avatar of Sean Ireland
    Sean Ireland 10 years ago

    I howled with laughter when I seen this , brilliant bet it made 1 or 2 choke on their cornflakes this morning.

  33. Avatar of Chomp
    Chomp 10 years ago

    Hahaha is Harpreet going to report Mr Fixit to Mr Fixit :)

  34. Avatar of Crofty
    Crofty 10 years ago

    Ha ha that’s brilliant :)

  35. Avatar of steve
    steve 10 years ago

    Happy April Fools……..Boom

  36. Avatar of Harry
    Harry 10 years ago

    I’ve never been so angry for such a short space of time haha how did I not realise straight away!

  37. Avatar of Houstay
    Houstay 10 years ago

    12.05 Durbanville POOLAR FIRS be sure to back this horse before noon


  38. Avatar of Phildurham1979
    Phildurham1979 10 years ago

    Brill one!

  39. Avatar of Capone31
    Capone31 10 years ago

    I’m dying, Raal def had a hand in it :D

    • Avatar of raaljaca
      raaljaca 10 years ago

      Nothing to do with me Capone and I would actually give Harpreet his own thread as it is pure comedy when he is on, guy is very funny with his replies and not enough humour on here.

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 10 years ago

      raaljaca, it was all my own work. As you know I have no problem with Harpreet’s comments – they have to be taken at face value.

  40. Avatar of anton
    anton 10 years ago

    Obviously he will have all the bookies backing him !

  41. Avatar of Chibuike
    Chibuike 10 years ago

    Maybe i will start using my boom

  42. Avatar of OriaZ
    OriaZ 10 years ago

    HAHA! Good stuff Mr Fixit!

  43. Avatar of highseastim
    highseastim 10 years ago

    Brilliant!! Lol

  44. Avatar of Sambuca
    Sambuca 10 years ago

    I think that deserves a super BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM lol Quality Mr.F and Harpreet

  45. Avatar of RPC
    RPC 10 years ago

    Took a while for that to sink in, great stuff hahq

  46. Avatar of jimmybrownsauce
    jimmybrownsauce 10 years ago

    classic….Top banter
    I was bricking it for a bit though lol

  47. Avatar of Tommy
    Tommy 10 years ago

    Booooom, classic :)

  48. Avatar of Alasu57
    Alasu57 10 years ago

    I actually said out loud “what the f***, are you havin’ a f***in laugh ? “…….Then I realised it was April 1st….Well done, had me for a fool for a good few seconds.

  49. Avatar of Ad
    Ad 10 years ago

    Top stuff!

  50. Avatar of bayo
    bayo 10 years ago

    couldn’t stop laughing once i saw the headline – Harpreet’s tips BOOM!! lol….. nice one Mr. F

  51. Avatar of Steve Bets
    Steve Bets 10 years ago

    I’m glad Harpreet has decided to take the site on but how did he decide between this and becoming the new member in One Direction?

  52. Avatar of Peter
    Peter 10 years ago

    Had to put phone down and make a cuppa only read half way through the intro.Then realised the date laughed to myself and went straight to comments. Got me haha

  53. Avatar of usjohnmcc
    usjohnmcc 10 years ago

    Absolutely brilliant wel done MrF/Harpreet

  54. Avatar of Ian Lindsay
    Ian Lindsay 10 years ago

    Nice one lol

  55. Avatar of Eric
    Eric 10 years ago


    He’s not as pretty as Mr F


    how about giving Basil Brush a page

  56. Avatar of baldy45
    baldy45 10 years ago


    brilliant !

  57. Avatar of D Punter
    D Punter 10 years ago

    BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Almost fell for it! I love the sound of 7digit pounds though!….lol

  58. Avatar of Captain_Cool
    Captain_Cool 10 years ago

    boooooooom hahahaha

  59. Avatar of Yugo
    Yugo 10 years ago

    Brilliant lol

  60. Avatar of Johnboy82
    Johnboy82 10 years ago


  61. Avatar of Peter Griffin
    Peter Griffin 10 years ago

    had me going there havent laughed at anything as much since the time bigjock used to be on this site

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 10 years ago

      Peter, it was a good laugh and hopefully Harpreet saw the funny side. It’s after 12pm noon so will make it clear it’s an April Fool but leave up for anyone who wants to read it.

  62. Avatar of Denavide
    Denavide 10 years ago

    I was scared at first then I remembered today was April 1st

  63. Avatar of bigmick
    bigmick 10 years ago

    brilliant stuff mr f, it did,nt get me but you worded it so real it was pure genuis. well done haha

  64. Avatar of Tokunbo
    Tokunbo 10 years ago

    That was a great Booooooooom Punk…on those who were punked….Let’s win Boss

  65. Avatar of James Slater
    James Slater 10 years ago

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is amazing!!!

  66. Avatar of Daz
    Daz 10 years ago

    Booooooooooom I’m on it

  67. Avatar of Bob H
    Bob H 10 years ago

    this is what the site needs. well-reasoned no-nonsense winning tips. boomtastic idea. when can we get started? ;)

  68. Avatar of o Ado
    o Ado 10 years ago

    Nice one mate
    P.S three will be a game some where in Latin Amerika today played with no ref
    If any one is intersted
    Let me know

  69. Avatar of Weebanger
    Weebanger 10 years ago

    if that’s a picture of Harpreet I bought a bag of green off him last week

  70. Avatar of calacoe
    calacoe 10 years ago

    About time we had a proper tipster round here.

  71. Avatar of backofthenet
    backofthenet 10 years ago


  72. Avatar of hampy
    hampy 10 years ago

    Could of caused a few heart attacks this morning that. I was just reaching over for my mrs diazepan bottle and realised the date

  73. Avatar of Bet 4 Fun
    Bet 4 Fun 10 years ago

    Wonder if Harpeet himself has seen it

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 10 years ago

      Bet 4 Fun, he is actually on holiday in Dubai so I don’t know. I emailed him about it but don’t know if he got it.

  74. Avatar of Bob H
    Bob H 10 years ago

    no …he’s in Mexico swimming with dolphins …or sharks

  75. Avatar of stagger
    stagger 10 years ago

    I’m like Alasus57, actually said out loud “oh for fck sake” then I got it and spent the next two minutes laughing my head off reading it. Best laugh I’ve had in ages. Excellent comedy MrF. Your descriptive qualities are awesome.

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 10 years ago

      stagger, cheers – it went down well. Will start thinking about next year’s now.

  76. Avatar of better
    better 10 years ago

    Congratulations mr f. Brilliant stuff and terrific write up!!!

  77. Avatar of loving you
    loving you 10 years ago

    Congratulation Mr Brilliant fix, i almost wil on myself, i couldn’t believe it.

  78. Avatar of chumpchange
    chumpchange 10 years ago

    Really disappointed to see that this was a joke. All the regulars on here have known for some time now that Harpreet is the brains behind the site.
    He is the puppet master whilst Mr F dances to his tune.
    Mr F as well as the “buy Mr Fixit a beer” button can you please add a “buy Harpreet the site” button where his loyal followers can finally put him on the throne.

  79. Avatar of Kyle B
    Kyle B 10 years ago

    Had my head mashed up for a few seconds, thank god for the note at the bottom for confirmation :)

  80. Avatar of mlac
    mlac 10 years ago

    LMAO amazing!

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