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BIG news coming out of Fixit Towers tonight … on Saturday I'm giving away a pair of tickets to one of the greatest events in the sporting calendar – the Cheltenham Festival.

Our friends at Ladbrokes have given me two tickets, each worth £200, to give away to one lucky visitor and all you need to do is enter my Naps Contest below.


Two tickets to attend one day at the Cheltenham Festival courtesy of Ladbrokes. Date and enclosure will be confirmed by Ladbrokes when the winner is announced. The winner will have to pay for all other associated costs, e.g. travel, accommodation etc.

How to Enter

Pick which horse you think will win the chosen races below on Saturday.

Race 1 : 1:45 Newbury
Race 2 : 2:15 Newbury
Race 3 : 2:50 Newbury
Race 4 : 2:55 Lingfield
Race 5 : 3:25 Newbury
Race 6 : 3:45 Doncaster

The person with the most winners will win the tickets. In the event of a tie the person with most winners and the highest aggregate winning odds at SP will win the tickets. If there is still a tie then the winners will be selected at random in a prize draw. Mr Fixit's decision on the winner will be final and no cash alternative will be offered in place of the tickets.

To enter the competition you MUST have a funded Ladbrokes account and include your username in your entry. If you've not already got one then sign up now by clicking here, where you can claim a great offer from Ladbrokes of 6-1 that Man City will beat Liverpool at the weekend.

Your Entry

Your entry must be in the following format otherwise your entry will not count:

Ladbrokes Username: Myusername

Race 1 : Horse A
Race 2 : Horse B
Race 3 : Horse C
Race 4 : Horse D
Race 5 : Horse E
Race 6 : Horse F

The winner will be announced on the site on Sunday and contacted via admin. Tickets will be posted out to arrive by next weekend.

Keep your eyes peeled for a brand new competition which launches on Sunday where you could win a brand new iPad Mini courtesy of Ladbrokes.

  1. Avatar of Gillzy
    Gillzy 10 years ago

    Username : gillzy06

    Race1: Provo
    Race2: triangular
    Race3: like sully
    Race4: spiritual star
    Race5: seventh sky
    Race6:streams of whiskey

  2. Avatar of Coatsey
    Coatsey 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes Username: AC1379958

    Race 1 : Provo
    Race 2 : Fourovakind
    Race 3 : Albert Bridge
    Race 4 : Holiday Magic
    Race 5 : Ballygarvey
    Race 6 : Drop Out Joe

  3. Avatar of Ryan Dodds
    Ryan Dodds 10 years ago


    Race 1: Provo
    Race 2: Relax
    Race 3: Albert Bridge
    Race 4: Halation
    Race 5: Royal Regatta
    Race 6: Streams Of Whiskey

  4. Avatar of Willie McGuire
    Willie McGuire 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes Username: hanmax7

    Race 3 : ALBERT BRIDGE
    Race 4 : HALATION
    Race 6 : AACHEN

  5. Avatar of OllyS
    OllyS 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes Username: oliverswift1
    Race 1: Leave It Be
    Race 2: Soll
    Race 3: Attwaal
    Race 4: Halation
    Race 5: Sound Investment
    Race 6: Night In Milan

  6. Avatar of Ian Lindsay
    Ian Lindsay 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes username is ianlinds03

    Race 1 Bothy
    Race 2 Triangular
    Race 3 First Mohican
    Race 4 Burano
    Race 5 Saint Ralph
    Race 6 Mon Parrain

  7. Avatar of Jamie
    Jamie 10 years ago

    Username – jmurdoch92

    Race 1 – Irish bucaneer
    Race 2 – ballyoliver
    Race 3 – albert bridge
    Race 4 – halation
    Race 5 – westward point
    Race 6 – streams of whiskey

  8. Avatar of Alves
    Alves 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes Username: calves1888

    Race 1 : Irish Bucaneer
    Race 2 : Soll
    Race 3 : First Mohican
    Race 4 : Spiritual Star
    Race 5 : Benny’s Mist
    Race 6 : Night in Milan

  9. Avatar of Jamie
    Jamie 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes username: jmurdoch92

    Race 1: Irish bucaneer
    Race 2: ballyoliver
    Race 3: albert bridge
    Race 4: halation
    Race 5: westward point
    Race 6: streams of whiskey

  10. Avatar of Pablo
    Pablo 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes username: stebbings79

    Race 1: All the gear no idea
    Race 2: Monkerty tunkerty
    Race 3: Albert bridge
    Race 4: Burano
    Race 5: Sound investment
    Race 6: Drop out joe

  11. Avatar of dougiec
    dougiec 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes user name snappers
    Race.3:First Mohican
    Race.4:Secret Art
    Race.5:Sound Investment
    Race.6:Night In Milan

  12. Avatar of ryan
    ryan 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes username ryanwright
    race 1 : Leave it be
    race 2 : Roalco De Farges
    race 3 : Albert bridge
    race 4 : Holiday Magic
    race 5 :Sound Investment
    race 6 : Night in milan

  13. Avatar of will
    will 10 years ago

    Username: willhughes33

    Race 1:lookslikerainted
    Race 2:triangular
    Race 3:Albert bridge
    Race 4:spiritual star
    Race 5:royal regatta
    Race 6:Aachen

  14. Avatar of mission59
    mission59 10 years ago


    Race 1:leave it be
    Race 2:soll
    Race 3:first mohican
    Race 4:halation
    Race 5:saint ralph
    Race 6:drop out joe

  15. Avatar of Deankil1982
    Deankil1982 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes Username: Deankil1982

    Race 1 – Allthegear No Idea
    Race 2 – Monkerty Tunkerty
    Race 3 – Albert Bridge
    Race 4 – holiday Magic
    Race 5 – Sound Investment
    Race 6 – Drop Out Joe

  16. Avatar of chester
    chester 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes username chester922

    Race 1: Laughton Park
    Race 2: Soll
    Race 3: Albert Bridge
    Race 4: Sound Investment
    Race 5: Rathealy
    Race 6: King of glory
    Race 7: Walk of Shame

  17. Avatar of craigyboy
    craigyboy 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes Username: bigbradwolf

    Race 1 : Irish Buccaneer
    Race 2 : West End Rocker
    Race 3 : First Mohican
    Race 4 : Holiday Magic
    Race 5 : Sound Investment
    Race 6 : Night in Milan

  18. Avatar of Ray
    Ray 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes Username: wellsray

    Race 1 : PROVO
    Race 2 : ROALCO FARGES
    Race 3 : ALBERT BRIDGE
    Race 4 : HOLIDAY MAGIC
    Race 5 : ROYAL REGATTA

  19. Avatar of Sean90
    Sean90 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes username: ssimmonds90
    Race1- Laughton park
    Race2- roalco de farges
    Race3- kiama bay
    Race4- holiday magic
    Race5- royal regatta
    Race6- streams of whiskey

  20. Avatar of Jez Jones
    Jez Jones 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes user name jezjones

    Race.1:Laughton Park
    Race.3:First Mohican
    Race.4:Holiday Magic
    Race.5:Sound Investment
    Race.6:Night In Milan

  21. Avatar of BexclamationMark
    BexclamationMark 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes Username: MOHare07

    Race 1 : Provo
    Race 2 : Monkerty Tunkerty
    Race 3 : Albert Bridge
    Race 4 : Holiday Magic
    Race 5 : Saint Ralph
    Race 6 : Night In Milan

  22. Avatar of Mark Dimmock
    Mark Dimmock 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes Username: apxmd10

    Race 1 : Provo
    Race 2 : Golden Cheiftain
    Race 3 : Albert Bridge
    Race 4 : Holiday Magic
    Race 5 : Sound Investment
    Race 6 : Night In Milan

  23. Avatar of Chris D W K
    Chris D W K 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes username: nickleesson

    Race1- Leave it be
    Race2- Roalco de Farges
    Race3- Baby King
    Race4- Holiday Magic
    Race5- Royal Regatta
    Race6- Theatre Queen

  24. Avatar of Adam Turner
    Adam Turner 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes username: Pigeonisland

    Race1- Allthegear No Idea
    Race2- Roalco De Farges
    Race3- Albert Bridge
    Race4- Halation
    Race5- Westward Point
    Race6- Drop Out Joe

  25. Avatar of Mav
    Mav 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes username: cuckoofrew

    Race1- Laughton Park
    Race2- Fourovakind
    Race3- Albert Bridge
    Race4- Holiday Magic
    Race5- Sound Investment
    Race6- Drop Out Joe

  26. Avatar of Stueyp
    Stueyp 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes Username: stupawley

    Race 1 : Bothy
    Race 2 : Fourovakind
    Race 3 : Baby King
    Race 4 : Atlantis Crossing
    Race 5 : Sound Investment
    Race 6 : Super Duty

  27. Avatar of Allen mcneil
    Allen mcneil 10 years ago

    Race 1 – Irish buccaneer
    Race 2 – roalco de farges
    Race 3 – Albert bridge
    Race 4 – holiday magic
    Race 5 – sound investment
    Race 6 – mon parrin

  28. Avatar of Davis Clark
    Davis Clark 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes username: sparky01292

    Race1 – Bothy
    Race2 – Triangular
    Race3 – Albert Bridge
    Race4 – Burano
    Race5 – Sound Investment
    Race6 – Stream of Whiskey

  29. Avatar of Brodie
    Brodie 10 years ago

    Username 118175

    1 Laughton Park
    2 Ballyoliver
    3 Albert Bridge
    4 Holiday Magic
    5 Saint Ralph
    6 Streams of Whisky

  30. Avatar of Scott woods
    Scott woods 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes Username : 771147
    Race 1 : Provo
    Race 2 : Soll
    Race 3 : First Mohican
    Race 4: Holiday Msgic
    Race 5 :sound Investment
    Race 6 : Night In Milan

  31. Avatar of Paul
    Paul 10 years ago

    Username : Paulsafc1983

    Race1: Laughton park
    Race2: ballyoliver
    Race3: Albert bridge
    Race4: holiday magic
    Race5: sound investment
    Race6:drop out joe

  32. Avatar of Paul
    Paul 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes Username : Paulsafc1983

    Race1: Laughton park
    Race2: ballyoliver
    Race3: Albert bridge
    Race4: holiday magic
    Race5: sound investment
    Race6:drop out joe

  33. Avatar of Karl Eastbury
    Karl Eastbury 10 years ago

    Ladbrokes Username : curlycov
    Race 1 : Bothy
    Race 2 : Monkerty Tunkerty
    Race 3 : Albert Bridge
    Race 4: Regulation
    Race 5 : Westward Point
    Race 6 : Night In Milan

  34. Avatar of steve power
    steve power 10 years ago

    username: 368422
    race 1: leave it be
    race 2: triangular
    race 3: bonobo
    race 4: halation
    race 5: simply wings
    race 6: sammingary

  35. Avatar of Phil freestone
    Phil freestone 10 years ago

    Username: gersman72

    Race 1: wily fox
    Race 2: ballyoliver
    Race 3: baby king
    Race 4: holiday Magic
    Race 5: royal regatta
    Race 6: drop out joe

  36. Avatar of crates
    crates 10 years ago

    Username: Crates

    Race 1 Fairy Rath
    Race 2 Tranquil Sea
    Race 3 Arthur’s Secret
    Race 4 Halation
    Race 5 Royal Regatta
    Race 6 Night in Milan

  37. Avatar of Bingo
    Bingo 10 years ago

    User name – bingobongo1873

    Race 1 – LEAVE IT BE
    Race 2 – TRIANGULAR
    Race 3 – ALBERT BRIDGE
    Race 4 – HOLIDAY MAGIC
    Race 5 – ROYAL REGATTA
    Race 6 – NIGHT IN MILAN

  38. Avatar of ryan
    ryan 10 years ago

    well done olly

  39. Avatar of OllyS
    OllyS 10 years ago

    Thanks but not over yet! Good fun though.

  40. Avatar of ryan
    ryan 10 years ago

    yes it is over before the last race

  41. Avatar of Admin
    admin 10 years ago

    Well done OllyS.

    Once we have the tickets from Ladbrokes we’ll be in touch. In the meantime please email [email protected] with your postal address.

  42. Avatar of OllyS
    OllyS 10 years ago

    Thanks Admin. I’ve e-mailed in the details.

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 10 years ago

      OllyS, well done – I hope you’ve got a day off to go. If the tickets are for Wednesday we’ll see you there and buy you a drink.

  43. Avatar of OllyS
    OllyS 10 years ago

    Thanks Mr F. I’ve got a day of holiday to play with so fingers crossed the boss is accommodating with the dates!
    If it is the Wednesday, it’s me who’ll owe you a drink! Cheers!

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 10 years ago

      OllyS, I’m sure he’ll let you go – in fact you take him and maybe get another day off.

  44. Avatar of OllyS
    OllyS 10 years ago

    I’ll have to hold back the second ticket as a last resort bargaining tool. I’m sure it’ll be fine though. Can not wait! Thanks again Mr F.

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