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Sebastopol was a faller at the last yesterday when about to register an easy success. Thankfully, I think he is okay after that fall. The rest were disappointing, especially Dragon Bones who was heavily gambled into 13/8, and ran quite flat even though she managed to finish 2nd.
Southwell 15:25
SABBATHICAL was an easy winner last time out at Fakenham, and he beat a selection I put, The Some Dance Kid, who clearly wasn't at the races. Even if the selection was in form and was 100% ready for the race, knowing how easy Sabbathical won, I think it would've been extremely tough for him to win. This horse was clearly ahead of the handicapper, and even though he seems better over fences, he's clearly in good form and can prove he is on a decent mark of 102 over hurdles.
The ground was a slight concern for me last time out, as his wins have previous come with juice in the ground, but he put that discussion to bed really quickly as he travelled well and won with ease on the faster ground. Whether that is because he was ahead of his mark, or he just handles the ground, I'm not sure, but he's on the same mark as he was last time, so he should be okay.
I don't think this race is all that competitive, with maybe two others in the race who could be a problem. Gavin will arguably be the one who attracts support as he is a 3yo and gets the weight for age allowance. However, the race he won doesn't look that strong, and the win clearly came out of the blue, as he showed next to nothing in his previous runs, hence the 33/1 odds when he won. He won easily, but I'm not convinced he beat all that much. He was running off a weight of 9st 9lbs, so had tonnes of weight off the rivals, and as a result of that, his rating has now gone up to 101. Even though he gets the weight for age allowance, his new handicap mark will be inflated, like it always is for juveniles, so I do think he will struggle in this. The other is Major Snugfit who also won last time, but once again he might've found a weak race and he took advantage of it, as he had plenty of tries before and struggled to break the maiden tag.
13:10 sedgefield- maxi jazz 17/2 e/w
3 places William hill
Am thinking of following these babies,,,,creative control,,,,regaby,,,,,obey the rules,,,,,court jurado,,,,aire vally lad,,,,,find the time,,,,all sedgefield,,gL
3:05 punchestown- Nicole’s Milan 8/1 e/w 5 places William hill
One more for luck I just spotted
Wolverhampton 5:30 – Wabbal 4/1 still a fraction under e/w money back worth a good punt I think !
Laughing trix,,,,ben siegel,,,grand jury,,,,le correzien,,,,hunters yarn,,,,saga aravis,,,,,Busselton,,,,, all punch,,,
All shook up,,,,brother pat,,,,,feast,,,,sure touch,,,lelantos,,,,methusalar,,,,gavin,,,,all south not well
Hes a gentleman 5.0 wol 9/2 gl
I’ve been drivin’ all night My hand’s wet on the wheel
Der da da dut da dur.
12:40 Sedgefield – Kavanaghs Cross
1:10 Sedgefield – Regaby
4:30 Wolverhampton – Secret Image
5:00 Wolverhampton – Shamlaan
We’ve got a thing that’s called Radar Love
Take your pom Pom’s congratulations your through to the next round !
Yankee and 2x singles as per…
Obey The Rules…1.55. EVS(*****)
Get My Drift…2.05. 7/4
Saga Aravis…3.05. 9/2
Sabbatical…3.25. 7/4(**** backed and put it up last time out and obviously Rizzles a fan)
GL all
Do you ever slow down and post the right times for races ?
Lol…Yeah plenty of times thanks! Bit pushed for time on my breaks etc and it’s better than most that just fire things up.
You can use the search on a few sites too or even the index in the paper FYI but I’m sure you already knew that….that’s what I like about you a387ocd your attention to detail!
*Obey The Rules…1.45pm
Or if yer a military man 13.45 pm GMT!
Morning all well done winners the last few days
Young Winston 4.00w 17-2
Salith 5.00w 14-1
Fizzy feet 6.00w 12-1
Thegreyvtrain 7.00w 14-1
The tron 7.30w 11-2
Ew singles & ew lucky31 ☘️☘️Gl all
Dalkingstown 2+45 Sedgefield 5-2 ?
Cheers Elvis,a3870cd there’s a maths lesson for you …
2+45 =
And 5-2 is?
I kid by the way! Know it’s not always easy to tell people’s times on here or most social media but you can be sure with me it’s all fine, just point out the mistake please OR better correct it for me going forward it be appreciated.
GL all as always
*People’s tones
Now I am rushed and just annoying myself here! Lol
Dont let it get to you mate
busslton 12.00
capture the drama 12.30 ew well done all winners yesterday
well done Azz cracking price
cheers sore point
Recoba asked you the other day to explain your astrix/star * system but you never replied
Just confused as the other day you posted *** bets then after they lost you said ” good job I went easy on them.) ?
But earlier day you posted a ** star bet and after it won you said had a big bet on it so very confusing.
Take it your ***** star bet is meant to be your big bet and * lowest bet
could you please clarify for the sake of anyone following
Thanks and good luck
Didn’t see yer post Sore Point?
Confidence is always the same mate but it depends on how my weeks bettings been going regarding my stakes and it should for most I think although I know folk like equal stakes and points etc.
Like Saturday I stated 4* and 5* on Buzz and A Plus Tard saying I really fancied the 2 and the double straight off the bat or something to that effect and it was posted below my Yankee in the USA that landed 3/4 and a 4* single so I went quite big on them. You make a point but how the world is that any good for following I suppose IF you don’t know much?
Never remember putting up a 2* then saying just as well I went easy on them as that would always be a small stake but if there big favourites that lost on a 2* bet then I do think I remember saying that because I was probably tempted to go bigger on them only for them to get beat.?
Think from now on it’ll be an explanation and price and let folk decide from the explanation how confident I sound.
Then if you follow horses at all MAYBE look on ATR or Bet365 etc and all in folk can decide how many $s to place on the bet BUT I’ll happily just put up selections and prices mate as you make a point as I say and I was aware of it.
Best of luck today
Recoba yeah just checked my post is still there a couple of days ago ?
Thanks for reply but even more confused now if it depends how your weeks betting is going why are you putting up these *** In the first place, And if you use equal stakes as you state above why use these *** in the first place if they mean nothing.
Not trying to be awkward here but your advising others on horses so surely a fair question was what do the *** mean so they will know. otherwise they could be misled
you have to be honest if someone sees ***** star they will think its a bigger bet than ** star thats why i asked you to clarify .
Thanks and good luck
Sore Point your more confused?
Well your not reading it right I don’t think or if you have can you not see I’m saying that I’m NOT using equal stakes and points etc?
Which isn’t good to follow so I’ll keep it simple
It does depend on what I feel I can afford as a 4 or 5* bet or even a 2*? So maybe I’ll just go…
possible Nnb if needed and always with reasoning IF possible and that’s it.
You want points/*s that mean same stakes every bet on every pick it’s not me especially in the USA and jumps in UK.
Good chat Sore Point as I was aware and well…we will leave it there seníor.
recoba Just asked the simple question what do your *** mean to other people who might follow nothing more they dont know how you feel or can afford.
The main point with this is your advising others not what your staking yourself and you got to agree anyone seeing
***** will think its a bigger bet than ** thats just a natural thought
dont need points stars anything for me just the horses people fancy up to the individual how they back them or ignore them and that goes for us all
like you say will leave it there
good luck
Yeah you asked a simple question and I agreed my staking tot *s for confidence ain’t the best IF I’m doing it the way I explained TWICE Sore Point so what you want from me here??
An 2* bit is explained and looked at so carry on with the going work and don’t make out like I can’t answer a Q when you just keep going.
Asked an answered 2x and a single I say.
Dont worry about him reboca your good at what you do he gets a bet up every 2months and never fuks up about , most likely mine away but lets watch tomorrow
Had a Cracking day yesterday with 3 winners but as we all know its a new day and anything can happen.
Southwell 1.25 FEAST 2/1
Southwell 2.55 METHUSALAR 4/1
Sedgefield 1.10 REGABY 7/4
Sedgefield 2.45 LADY CHUFFNELL 9/2
Good luck everyone
well done sore point thas on fire
And dont we no
2 good shouts azz
cheers mwc 777
Cracking start again REGABY WINS 2/1
Heres hoping
Ill be following you all day heres watching lmbo
O and put them tips up early, as your tips are so good
O and put them tips up early, as your tips are so good
Donkey that?
Put these up just now since Skybet seems to be getting its odds up faster these days. Few are Skybet boosts.
Yankee and 2x singles…
Finger Lakes-R4/18.51pm…My Maggie. 2/1(*** good debut and good opportunity to get a win on 2nd run)
Finger Lakes -R8/20.39pm…Queen Arella. 11/10(**** hopefully gets out to a lead like last time and would take some pegging back)
R9/21.06pm…Casper Joe. 13/8(**)
Zia Park -R10/11.03pm…Lady Mystify. 6/5(***** Won a G3 nicely last run after only 6 runs so there’s much more to come after that)
GL all
Hows it going reboca hope your well ,how you doing in usa?
1 winner so far out of 3 Busselton 7/4 . so hoping the Nap wins .
posted last night 3-05 Punchestown Saga Aravis 4/1 now 5/1 .
Philadelphia-R1/17.10pm…Conservative Values 7/2
Looking at the others that have ran they seem to be going backwards bar this who was 6l behind last time but in a decent race.
I’ve stated before Philadelphia is hard to get any info on so this is all based on my tracker notes and the quality of the race should be within him.
Now you see mate why i never nap
Kingfish 5-57 finger lakes ??.
9-1 ew (hills) 2 places.
Top 3 finish Evens (bet365) saver…
3rd, nothing ventured nothing gained.
Pointless in other words ???
Well done all with winners today
Got most