
FIVE years ago today I posted my first article on MrFixitsTips.co.uk. Little did I know the huge success it would turn in to.

I've given away an estimated £10,000+ in free bets, not to mention bundles of cash, an iPad mini and tickets to various football matches and sporting events.

Between myself and my various teammates we've posted almost 7500 articles and received more than half a million comments – forging one of the best online betting communities on the internet. We've seen people come and go from all corners of the world and welcomed more than 2.5 million unique visitors to the site.

It's been quite a journey. Thanks to all of you that have been part of it so far.

So what next?

It's fair to say the current site has outgrown our modest ambitions of those early days so I'm working hard behind the scenes with our team to revamp MrFixitsTips.co.uk.

We'll be relaunching the site in the coming weeks, bringing you brand new features so you can share even more tips across more leagues and sports. A brand new forum will put you in control, allowing you to set the agenda and to post your own bets, challenges and tips.

We'll also make it easier to make the most of our community. You'll be able to follow other members, see their comments and join groups and discussions on everything from Superleague Rugby to supporting Clydebank!

But we want to know what you want. We might not be able to accommodate all your requests and some of them we may already be planning but let us know in the comments section below what you'd like to see from the site, how you'd like to see it grow again over the years to come and your ideas on how we can keep it one of the leading betting sites on the web.

Here's to the next five years!

Resident football tipster at Scotland's most read newspaper, the Daily Record, for over 20 years and proud host of one the best betting communities on the web with daily betting tips.

  1. Avatar of Wakeygills
    Wakeygills 9 years ago

    Congratulations on 5 years of success. Long may it continue!

  2. Avatar of paddy
    paddy 9 years ago

    Congrats Mr Fixit – Here’s to another 5 years of success… wishing you all the best.

  3. Avatar of Dee
    Dee 9 years ago

    Well done Mr f …. I for one can say this site has been so important to me with information and tips from all the great tipsters on here….. Onwards and upwards …..congratulations on the five years.

  4. Avatar of TheBoss
    TheBoss 9 years ago

    Congrats on the 5 year milestone :)

  5. Avatar of banksie
    banksie 9 years ago

    A well drilled forum by a tipster dedicated to the success of his site. Congratulations on a very informative platform of some very talented tipsters…. my favourites being Gregg, Yourself Mr F, Jordan and the irreplaceable Raal. Many other guys pushing for the top table tho’. A monthly series head to head with certain guys would add a nice twist to a great read.

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 9 years ago

      banksie, we may do that when the forum is added. Lots of prizes to give away too and not just free bets.

  6. Avatar of supersaint
    supersaint 9 years ago

    Well done lad and thanks
    Well done to you and all your great posters
    Alves Cc Jordan Matt R Craig boy etc and everyone else
    Everything you do do is well researched
    Thanks lads x

  7. Avatar of Barnsleylad
    Barnsleylad 9 years ago

    Congratulations Mr f, brilliant site with loads of top tipsters. Long may it continue :-)

  8. Avatar of Centrecircle
    Centrecircle 9 years ago

    MR F congrats on 5 years but there is one thing i would like to see the most.When you/posters post your/our tips i would like to see proof of the tips.via the site or twitter

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 9 years ago

      Centrecircle, people can put them up if they want and we will be more twitter active from next month.
      Most people put up tips before the event and that’s crucial.
      I don’t like to see stakes and I don’t advise stakes so for me to put up my slips would be irresponsible.
      I always bet on my tips and I don’t need to prove it to anyone.

  9. Avatar of Greg Browning
    Greg Browning 9 years ago

    That’s a terrific feat Mr F – many congratulations! People come and go but a real good mix of people, expertise and markets at the moment!

    At the end of the day we are all here to beat the bookies and this site can give people the edge be it through tips, insight, stats text

    Here’s to the next 5 years :)

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 9 years ago

      Greg, we wouldn’t be much without guys look like you so I hope you stick around for the next five years and maybe give us another set of twins.

  10. Avatar of Greg Browning
    Greg Browning 9 years ago

    A prize could be a day’s hospitality at a Clydebank game of their choice – entry, pie and a bovril!

    Gold dust, haha

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 9 years ago

      Greg, there are indeed hospitality packages available. You name the date and I’ll treat you to a day you’ll never remember.

  11. Avatar of Big Davie
    Big Davie 9 years ago

    Congratulations Mr Fix It on your five years! I’ve been following along for a long time, not normally one to comment, but it has to be said your website and service is great.

    Whatever you do for the revamp, please keep it simple, you do one thing really well at the moment and you don’t need to grow more arms and legs on the site. Good luck, looking forward to seeing how it looks in the coming weeks!

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 9 years ago

      Big Davie, there won’t be changes as such but there will be additional features.

  12. Avatar of trevor
    trevor 9 years ago

    Congrats to you Mr F and everyone else behind the scenes

    Without doubt the best site and tipping service I have seen

    Heres to the next five years…………and beyond

    Looking forward to more profits

  13. Avatar of punterpounder
    punterpounder 9 years ago

    well done mr f and co I find this the best place on the net to post my tips and follow others and bar a few idiot trolls it is a very good community site

  14. Avatar of AceFace
    AceFace 9 years ago

    Congrats Mr F will be looking forward to this can never have too many great options a excellent period ahead i think

  15. Avatar of Jolo21065
    Jolo21065 9 years ago

    Best Bar none keep up the good work

  16. Avatar of Gopher
    Gopher 9 years ago

    Congrats on 5 years Mr F.

    I’ve only been on the site a year, I wished I’d found it sooner. Really appreciate all the hard work you and the other tipsters put in.

    Keep up the good work mate, onward and upward.

  17. Avatar of WasClueless
    WasClueless 9 years ago

    Well done MrF … only found this great site about 4 months ago and I have learnt so much … so a huge thank you to you, others who administer the site (when you are walking the dug or golfing) and all the “positive” tipsters!!

  18. Avatar of John smith
    John smith 9 years ago

    Well done mr f, an outstanding achievement that will hopefully grow and grow.
    Sounds as though the format of the new site will be revolutionary rather than evolutionary! :)
    Looking forward to it.

  19. Avatar of Mattr
    Mattr 9 years ago

    Congrats Mr F

  20. Avatar of lucas
    lucas 9 years ago

    nice one mr f on 5 years. iv been here 2 I think and thoroughly enjoyed it. long may it continue =)

  21. Avatar of Donald Priest
    Donald Priest 9 years ago

    Well done Mr F
    Love the tips and comments
    Here’s to the next five years

  22. Avatar of Daveyboy
    Daveyboy 9 years ago

    Top work and top site mr F

  23. Avatar of Sean Ireland
    Sean Ireland 9 years ago

    Many Congrats Mr F,ive been using your site for most of the time its been going but can honestly state i havent had so much as a sausage from the 10k youve given away but please dont feel compelled into mailing me a £50 free bet ;)
    What id like to see added is something ive mentioned before to you a ouple of years back and yes i understand you already do a lot for charity via the Daily Record but i think itd be great every now and again if the site could use something like a free bet via your good self and contribute ideas { team win/draw/win/goals etc for a footy bank builder or accumulator with any winnings going to a charity nominated by your good self in the name Mrfixitstips site.Its good for moral for everyone to be involved and work as a team for a good cause sometimes instead of just our individual selves. Good Luck and Congrats again Mr F :)

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 9 years ago

      Sean, the charity link is something we will do.
      As you say I do a bit in the Record with the help off William Hill and McBookie mainly.

  24. Avatar of HullShaker
    HullShaker 9 years ago

    Paul, 5 years is a long time in the real world – to not only survive but thrive in the cyber-world is a massive reflection of what the site offers and the hard work that goes into it behind the scenes.

    Impossible to get exactly what you ‘want it to look like’ with universal posters but credit where it’s due, there is a top set of lads posting on your site and very little bullsh*t.

    Well done on the 5 years of hard grind and
    looking forward to the next 5.

    All the best bets, Hull.

  25. Avatar of Hiphopkins
    Hiphopkins 9 years ago

    Nice one Mr F & all the regulars!

  26. Avatar of Crates
    Crates 9 years ago

    Thank you Mr F (and all who have contributed) for all your efforts and for putting up with some of the ridiculous disagreements and comments that have occured on here.Some would have thrown in the towel.Here’s to another sucessful 5 years.

  27. Avatar of craneguy
    craneguy 9 years ago

    nice wan mr f hud nae clue it was 5 on the net tbh only been here a year or so, how long you been dain the record?

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 9 years ago

      craneguy, I took over the Mr Fixit column in the Record about 22 years ago.

  28. Avatar of James Slater
    James Slater 9 years ago

    Well done and a big congratulations from me Mr.F on keeping up the amazing work you do day in and day out on this brilliant page!

  29. Avatar of Stevie Doogan
    Stevie Doogan 9 years ago

    Congratulations on a significant milestone. And you’ve not even aged much!

    Well, apart from last season that is. But haven’t we all!


    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 9 years ago

      Stevie, that’s the best avatar I’ve seen on here.
      That comment will earn you another Bovril when you’re sitting at the side of the pitch snapping away.

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 9 years ago

      Thanks to everyone for the kind comments.
      Hopefully you’ll all love the new features when they are added next month.
      Saturday tips are up – and I’m calling it a night.

  30. Avatar of Richard
    Richard 9 years ago

    Again thanks for all the hard work over the years.

    In terms of ideas I would like the ability to follow certain tipsters almost like Twitter so I see when they post. As the site gets busier as it surely will when the league kicks off its easy to miss some of the better tips.

    I would also like a registration system that means our username is unique – still remember the time someone came on spouting abuse using my name and people thought it was me.

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 9 years ago

      Richard, there will be registration and a forum and also a way where you can follow groups of people.

  31. Avatar of Alan
    Alan 9 years ago

    Well done to everyone who contributes to this great site.

  32. Avatar of Alves
    Alves 9 years ago

    5 yrs?? Doesn’t seem that long but when you think back to the Euro’s/WC it is haha. How tome flies :)

    Looking forward to new site but hopefully same sort of set up

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 9 years ago

      Alves, will be same site but better.

  33. Avatar of ILoveBetting
    ILoveBetting 9 years ago

    Well done Mr F

    Nice to see you back on top form with the tips, keep it up. Why dont you add a feature where we all can pick and choose a
    super single/double together? many minds are better than 1.

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 9 years ago

      1LoveBetting, again this will be possible on the new forum.

  34. Avatar of darran
    darran 9 years ago

    Well done on the success of the site Mr f, happy “5th” birthday a long time since you heard that haha

    • Avatar of Mr Fixit
      Mr Fixit 9 years ago

      darran, this year but there was a zero added.

  35. Avatar of linfieldaces
    linfieldaces 9 years ago

    Super job Mr Fixit been a follower since a fair few bonkers bet tips came in,in the Record some hours have been spent trawling through the site for the best tips of the day.Also has changed my betting outlook from getting chinned by 1 team in a 5timer to just backing fhgs and Mgs.Also il admit I have the odd chuckle at the ones who give off because a certain tip has flopped lol do they not realise it’s a tip and they themselves put their money behind it.Aswell as the few Harpreet bathers who think it’s alright to mouth off.Have to say this site is unrivalled by any other and hope here’s to the next 5 superb years mate keep up that unrivalled great work and taking the dug out for the daily walkies.Hope tomo brings the start of a great season for us all on here.Really we are one big family lol.

  36. Avatar of dougiec
    dougiec 9 years ago

    Just congratulations MrF.seems enough.

  37. Avatar of thechief
    thechief 9 years ago

    Well done on five years Mr F. It has been a pleasure to be part of this site for many of those years and to bring sports like Rugby, Darts and NFL to the site gives fans of other sports a chance to post their thoughts and bets on a thread which as always been a positive one, and a chance to discuss games before, during and after a game.

    It is good to see some old familiar names still around and new ones contributing in what we are all here to do and that is share information, tips and beat the bookie.

    Lets hope for 5 more years :)

  38. Avatar of mint
    mint 9 years ago

    Well done Mr fixit.
    Onwards and upwards fur the future!

  39. Avatar of Dave Wiseman
    Dave Wiseman 9 years ago

    Good luck for the next 5 years bud

  40. Avatar of Kev
    Kev 9 years ago

    Thanks for all your hard work mr fixit

  41. Avatar of Oxyuris
    Oxyuris 9 years ago

    Congratulations on the milestone Mr F and thanks for both your tips and being a conduit for others. Although the new site is probably very exciting please remember the simplicity and accessibility of this site (along with the great tips) are what makes it what it is.

  42. Avatar of Bluemooner1894
    Bluemooner1894 9 years ago

    Well done Mr F & everyone else involved (including punters) looking forward 2 the next 5 yrs ….
    Can’t see me giving up gambling b4 that! Lol

  43. Avatar of naughty
    naughty 9 years ago

    Top site top geezer mr f king of Scotland lol

  44. Avatar of Mark
    Mark 9 years ago

    Cracking tipping site well done

  45. Avatar of BigIvor
    BigIvor 9 years ago

    Well done Paul Must start putting up some Highland League games as sometimes can be some snips to be had there

  46. Avatar of AGD
    AGD 9 years ago

    Well done Mr F ,got to say shocking defending on the cake just shocking

  47. Avatar of Flood
    Flood 9 years ago

    Llongyfarchiadau Mr Fixit – from the Welsh contingent. Onwards forwards and upwards.

  48. Avatar of Eye on the prize
    Eye on the prize 9 years ago

    Well done on reaching the five year mark after stumbling across this site 2-3 years ago I have won various free bets and a fantastic night at shawfield dogs. I have also found various ways of alternative betting on many different sports and have had some big winners thanks to various tipsters , johnb almost single handedly paid for Christmas and Cheltenham this year was totally funded by corals own money thanks to deniro . Hopefully lots more to come in the future

  49. Avatar of Jon
    Jon 9 years ago

    Well done Mr F and everyone who contributes, it’s a great site and everyone is happy to share their knowledge…on to the next 5 years..!!!

  50. Avatar of McLeish
    McLeish 9 years ago

    GREAT SITE!!!!!!!

    Looking forward to the upgrades with the forum. I have been on one other site that I wont mention obviously, but will make for great dialogue and analysis into games.

    Congrats Mrf!!

  51. Avatar of McLeish
    McLeish 9 years ago

    *Into even more

  52. Avatar of James Hanly
    James Hanly 9 years ago

    Congratulations Paul.

  53. Avatar of ChrisG
    ChrisG 9 years ago

    Congratulations to everyone at mrfixitstips! Bring on the next 5 years!

  54. Avatar of Mark
    Mark 9 years ago

    Percentage success rate of your tips and a table showing previous tips either won/lost

  55. Avatar of TheJamrock
    TheJamrock 9 years ago

    Keep up the good work Mr f brilliant site

  56. Avatar of rhemite
    rhemite 9 years ago

    5years and still counting. Definitely the sky will be ur starting point. Keep up the good work

  57. Avatar of RobertJB
    RobertJB 9 years ago

    Great site…I love it …keep up the great work guys its much appreciated!!!

  58. Avatar of Paul stromberg
    Paul stromberg 9 years ago

    Mr f best site I ever used I am the John b thing and seeing where it takes me this year so far so good keep up the good work

  59. Avatar of Stromy9262
    Stromy9262 9 years ago

    Used my full name lol

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